In order to support the hosting and costs of maintenance of Live on What You Grow, we participate in affiliate marketing. We evaluate every company or grower we partner with, and carefully select them for the outstanding values they possess. We only choose products, services, and information from other growers, we believe in… and we feel will bring value to you.
How we earn revenue on this site:
Affiliate Links: We participate in the Amazon Associates Program, and with other companies, to provide a means for us to generate earnings by linking to their sites. If you click on a link and purchase an item, we receive a small commission from the seller… at no additional cost to you...
So you pay EXACTLY the same as if you went to Amazon yourself and bought it there! And we sincerely appreciate the support when you use our links! It helps us create more content!
We only recommend quality products we feel have outstanding value and/or we’re using ourselves in our own garden and kitchen!
Any product claim, statistic, or quote expressed on this site should be verified with the manufacturer or seller, and, if we’re sharing ideas from other growers or soil scientists, it does not always imply that we endorse all the views expressed by them.
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